Digital audio advertising is a resounding success: all the indicators prove it

Digital audio advertising is a resounding success: all the indicators prove it

Digital audio is a media that people consume naturally on the move: some people run or play sport plugged into their playlist. Others relax listening to a podcast in the car or on public transport. Common thread? Captive immersion of the listener. A golden opportunity for advertisers.

Did you know? Since the sudden eruption of the pandemic, podcast listening has increased by 42% worldwide. An increase which is far from drying up with the gradual return to normal and an ideal context to broadcast bold and targeted audio advertising, within the context of total receptivity, both in streaming (music, radio) and in podcasts (on demand).

Digital audio presents novel opportunities for advertisers, on four levels.

It is ubiquitous in the lives of consumers

In one study, IAB confirmed that 89% of adults use the internet each day for a period of 3 hours 38 minutes on average. 70% think that lockdown accelerated technology acceptance. In the United Kingdom, 10.1 million people listen to podcasts each week.

Consumption of audio content is now firmly rooted in the daily lives of internet users: 8 out of 10 people listen to at least one audio medium each day

It slots easily into their daily lives

Jeff Vidler reports on a survey conducted last June among 1,510 Canadians. Objective: to identify seven reasons why listeners switch on or click PLAY for each type of audio format (pass the time, take time out, get motivated, be inspired, learn about things).

One of the conclusions is that radio is no longer the only audio format that people listen to during car journeys. Podcasts are gaining popularity during this type of journey, even if the figures show that they are first and foremost listened to while relaxing at home.

The study clearly indicates that music is, now more than ever, present during the daily lives of consumers, regardless of the activity type. Logic: it slips into daily life by not being invasive (internet radio, streaming). You can also multitask while listening to digital audio, whereas video and social networks require specific attention.

It creates new habits

An AudioSource study shows that the listener now splits their time between three main listening formats: Terrestrial broadcasting, streaming and podcasts.

While terrestrial broadcasting is decreasing in volume over time, it continues to be what people wake up to and listen while travelling in the car. Streaming and podcasts present common points: they are usually consumed during the week and when you’re on your own. More solitary listening habits, which indicate greater receptivity. Advertisers will be delighted to learn that listeners to podcasts are much more engaged than those listening to traditional radio.

It is more effective than video advertising

A recent study led by Magna in the United Kingdom attempted to measure and compare advertising effectiveness of digital audio and video. The findings are conclusive: audio is the most effective medium for broadcasting a message of a commercial nature.

The attention given to an advertising message is 60% in audio compared to just 52% on video. What about user actions following the message (research, clicks, sharing)? Audio sits well above the average of 100, with an index of 117 against 83% for video.

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